Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Difference with Capitolization is...

OK- I have been told that a new blog is NEEDED. The pressure is a lot for me ...I am not sure I can take it!

I really don't have much for you all this week. I am sorry to disappoint!

So, I will default to an office cube conversation. ..

A fellow co-worker of mine and I were discussing how a simple capitalization of a single letter can make a difference, a night & day difference, in a written phrase! The meaning of an entire sentence can be changed by one measly letter – the dependence on capitalization to meaning…crazy!

Just to show you all what I mean, take a look at these two sentences:

(1) “I helped my uncle jack off a horse”

The difference with the Capitalization is:

(2) “I helped my uncle Jack off a horse”.

SEE?!?!!? Very important to have grammar correct in certain situations!

Awe, the wonder of the English language!

Go ahead...Discuss.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Who Says Life Is Fair?!?

Who was it that said "Life is not fair" ? I am not a fan of that guy for sure! That saying is so not the answer I want to hear to my complaining - not ever.

So, who is it that says life IS fair?!?! The answer to that question is: NO ONE!

Why hasn't someone repeated "Life IS fair" enough times for it to be the saying that sticks? That seems like a better statement to me! I figure if it is said enough times that it eventually will stick & be true -may be only at one time in your life, but at least you could say that life, finally, IS fair. (You could be one of the LUCKY ones and have it happen more than once).

I need (ok, more like I WANT) life to be fair. I want this not only for myself but for everyone else too. (SEE I am not as selfish as you all thought!!)

Wouldn't you be a happier you if life was fair? (I know that I WOULD!)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Death of a Blog Spy...

Here "IT" is! Finally, my blog has been started. I bet YOU can't wait to see what I type,right?!?!? Well, I must plead with you DO NOT to hold your breath!!

I cannot promise anything fancy. I cannot say that I will be a daily/regular blogger. I cannot even say that I will add anything more then this one entry.

Here is what I can say, my friends- I will read & comment upon your blogs. That is all I have for ya.

I have (finally) gotten up on the band wagon with the rest of you. My blog spying days are now, technically, behind me.

(So, get up off my back about it already!!!)

I will miss my days of blog spying.....