Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Correct the Sentence . . .

So, yes - I am in NEED of a new post! I know!

I had a few minutes this morning & came across one of those lame forwards that always ends up in my in box. (Apparently, my stay-at-home mom friends think that can send anything AND everything to my work email instead of my personal one) However, this one had something that caught my eye - Punctuation and how to use is correctly.

Men & Women were given the follwoing sentence and told to correct the sentence by adding the correct punctuation: 'woman without her man is nothing'.

Men's Answer -"Woman, without her man, is nothing."

Women's Answer - "Woman! Without her, man is nothing!"

I am sure that many of you have seen this email before but I thought that the Women's answer would remind a few ladies out there that they DO NOT need to depend on a man. Women are capable of taking care of business just as well as any man. This is not meant as a man hating/ man dis-like rant by any means!!!! There are just a few gals out there (you know who you are) that forget they can do it on their own.

Oops , never did tell any of ya about New York did I ?!?


Princess"treasures creates the beautiful life for you said...


birdman said...

I oughta backhand you for that comment!!! now go make me a turkey pot pie!!!

Unknown said...

ok, first off, what up with the colors and font??? I can hardly read this thing!!!!

Girls RULE! I take care O' my family, beatch!

The Wrider said...

I forgot to check your blog for a new post, so I am way behind here.... I have seen that email and I thought it was interesting as well. I think it's important for all women (no matter their current relationship with men) to remember they are first themselves on only afterwards a partner with a man. Too many women think they need a man to make them complete. So not true. Realizing that is a real asset to any female.

You have a thing for punctuation and grammar. I think you should have been an english teacher...

Sept 20th was a long time ago. So get with it and post already about NY!!!!

AvMan said...

I think you should change your blog name to the english teacher.

AvMan said...

Update your blog foolio