Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday, Long Wednesday . . . .

Ok - this IS the longest week ever...well ok, it FEELS like the longest week ever. The weather is crazy & making me not feel well. Will it continue to rain or not? I just looked outside & it is all sunny. What is the deal?

I don't know about you, but the time change is still kicking my butt!

Work has been getting a little crazy and I find myself thinking about it ALL the time. On the drive home from work. Then it pops back into my mind as I get ready for bed. I think of it again in the middle of the night. Then I wake up in the morning & work pops back into my thoughts again. How did I get rid of this cycle?

I am with you & that *drink* Wrider!

May be a little hoops & yoyo to lighten the day:
It's Wednesday, see what Hoop's & Yoyo's have to say now

Here's to a better end of the week for all of us!!

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