Monday, March 19, 2007

About "Mondays"

I almost forgot another favorite of mine- "hoops & yoyo". I have to thank my mom for this. She 'found' these gems online and sends me a new hoops & yoyo card at least once a week.

In case you are not familiar, these guys are from hallmark e-cards. The cards crack me up too. Some of the cards are funnier than others. There are a few cards that just explain what you may be feeling on a certain day of the week while in the office...

Here is a link to their Monday card. I think that I have had a few Mondays like this in my past. Oh yeah, Make sure you have your headphones on when you start the card (the card make noise & you will need to hear it while you watch the card playing). I hope the link works! Hoops & Yoyo for Monday

The smarty people at Hallmark also have these little guys in a few other languages for those with friends abroad or if you just want to check out another language :o)

Hope you like the funny.

For those of you that are at work today, looks like lunch is over. It's time to get back to it :o(

1 comment:

StarBerry said...

hhhmmm, these are *interesting* little characters. I will have to think about these before I decide it I like them or not.